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Happy 2021
Performance at Centro Cultural São Paulo(CCSP), part of Curação project
Curator Paula Garcia and Carol Rikka
“Happy 2021” performance consists in a Reveillon party starred by artists who take part in the Curacao project and some other guests. It has happened during the pandemic, therefore, environment security norms had to be followed in order to guarantee everyone's safety. The project has been built with residency online conversations iniciated in 2019, as a way to demarcate present times and generate gathering during a period of isolation. With a three hour duration, the performance was accompanied by dj sets played by the artists Milena, Enco and Aun Helden.
Meanwhile, two other performances were happening: “Corpora Stamping III” by Occulted and “You are the music” by Luccas Morais, artists of Inserto. The cenography was filled with new year iconography with stamped words such as “Success, Conquers, Gratitude, Happy Hollidays, Hope, etc”, generated by studies with neutrality and normative aesthetics. Those stamps also take part in a fashion collection in which pieces have been distributed, during the party, for guests, as a "dress code". The performance comes to an end as a video-art countdown announces the arrival of the New Year and bottles of champagne are popped, eternalizing that moment.

Prints da Live

Coleção de Roupas
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Corporal Stamping(2018)
Performance at Void General Store
Inserto + Babi Mello(Foguentinhe Online)
The performance consists of 30 minutes of the artist Babi Mello (Foguentinhe Online) having his body stamped by the artist Luccas Morais, member of Inserto. The stamps are made out of silk screens in which both of the artists cooperate to create the process together.
“Corporal stamping” overflows the limits of silk, one of the most ancient techniques of printing, exploring the surface beyond paper, and experiencing it in the body. A parallel between body/stamp and body/tattoos. Demonstrating the strength of the symbolism behind the marks that stamps make.

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